What one of Kelvin’s students said about choosing the right meditation technique for himself...
(in his own words)...

“Kelvin Chin has encountered multiple methods and had the good fortune to develop many relationships with other teachers and students over the last 44+ years.

This has uniquely allowed him access to test, learn and grow these processes, which has resulted in his generating his own technique he calls “Turning Within”. 

Rather than a “static”, “watered down”, “franchised” or “textbook method”, he passes forward the very best “living current version”, distilled from his rare access and exclusive history, all handed over to us who take his course.

This provides for us what is a most favorable position to be in as his students.

Learning “How To Really Meditate Well” from Kelvin — is how I’d do it again — if I had to choose again.

It started with an email to inquire, then I had a brief first step call, then I took Kelvin’s “Turning Within” course that took me 4 classes (60-90 minutes each class) over about 2-1/2 weeks to complete.

I’ve done lots of “meditation” (at least I thought I had!) for many years before with numerous practices. 

At one time I joined a paid meditation group and faithfully followed it’s many legs and branches for over a year, but there was really nothing special coming back to me (whether with music, voice guided, drums, chants, whatever) over the long term from all the fees, time and efforts, so I lost interest and gave it up. If you can take a nap and get about as much out of that as your whole meditation process — you know what I mean.

Recently podcasts once a week, or two-three together in a marathon were a nice respite. I enjoyed the stories and information before the actual “meditation” time the most — the “meditation” to me was like taking a time out, but the message stuck more with me than the meditation, and is why I’d keep coming back.

Certainly these all provided some relaxation, and I felt I was “doing something” but they did not “OPEN THE GATES” like this did.

For me this easy process has been LIKE A DREAM COME TRUE. The something I’ve been looking for to happen, for many years.

Now I don’t feel like I’m underneath a mountain.

And it keeps getting better for me, whereas before, I’d get some distraction but no real satisfaction that lasted past a few “feel good” moments.

The mountain, the load, had kept getting bigger, even tho I tried. To get a way to tunnel out, is such a relief. What was like a slab on top of me getting heavier and harder to manage with before, is chipping, breaking and being moved from off top of me now.

As I understand it, this is sort of like a fractal. Deceptively simple, but growing exponentially, as are their nature.

You get the benefits reflected as they recur in the majority of your experiences.

I’ve already FELT THE DIFFERENCE just starting out — even in these very early days — and I am EXCITED as I very much look forward to those effects widening — with me only needing to “simply go along with it with no push or effort” — just taking the advantages as time moves naturally on!

Kelvin is an attentive listener, a positive speaker, and is no trouble to talk to and ask questions. His method doesn't need to entertain you, nor does he want to make you in any way dependent.

I had four live sessions during which Kelvin “lectured” and illustrated points with stories (& talked theory by increments). I could make inquiries at any point, and then I first learned “how to” and then actually “meditated by doing it” and — during all the sessions — I got to Meditate With Kelvin In Real Time.

After the first three “back to back sessions” there is a couple of weeks you proceed on your own but you email him weekly feedbacks and questions (and you can email or call before the end of the week if you have questions or concerns that come up earlier).

During the first three sessions — I got “reminder emails” we’d be talking in a couple of hours, a PDF Handout Of Important Points, one quick callback (on a Sunday) in response to my first week’s feedback and also a timely and thorough email response to my second week’s feedback.

After my fourth session (you are “checked” and “graduated”, it’s your last official session) I was given access (for future use) to a Private Membership Area on his website where (among other things) you can Virtually Meditate With Kelvin (as a refresher), and have access to Twenty-Five+ Hours Of Other Training Seminars similar to the one I just went thru.

Then I also got access to his Private Turning Within Facebook Group, for other updates provided to all his past students that have wanted to sign up.

On top of all that - you also have “Follow Ups For Life” — you already had Kelvin’s phone number and email, and you get a sincere invitation to contact him any time in the future you need some question answered, a refresher, “a check-up,” and so forth.

This hybrid of TM (transcendental meditation), takes the best, discards the fluff, and gives you simple but sometimes very pivotal if so subtle guidelines. You can probably apply it and feel the benefits from just your first lesson, if you are like me.

Starting on the 10th, with my final lesson on the 28th — it’s been nothing short of REMARKABLE how quickly and what great results I got from this already within just those 17-18 days.

I can’t think of anything I’d rather have that you could reasonably offer in trade to me for knowing this.

And the thing is, this is not exclusive (to any group or sect and if you are in a group or sect this “PLAYS WELL WITH OTHERS”) — it’s not just for rich people, it’s not a fad or just for young or hip folks (I’m 62!), it won’t run out on you or stop working — most every one of us can easily put this to use for our better happiness and health.

Coaching just gets you started right.

Sort of like if you sit down at a piano or take up the fiddle, and get the wrong posture or fingering -- it can be hard to break those old habits, so DON’T SELF LIMIT YOURSELF and perhaps go on for years because you started out getting it wrong. You might play pretty good but what if you had the tools of those better processes? Someone who already knows the instrument, KNOWS THE FINE TUNING, can save you lots of time, effort, and liberate you from poorer experiences.

If you went searching all over websites, buying books, dipping your toe into this method, that method, the next best method, a “similar method” — that’s possibly (if they don’t work the same — and disturbingly) so much time and quality of life less sensibly used. Or maybe worse, years stuck in a process that does not work because you don’t know how it should be working, like someone who is nearsighted — how would you know you didn’t see clearly until you got some glasses?

So it’s getting instructed with an expert so you don’t get off the railroad tracks.

Sort of like we tell kids to go outside and play “but don't get in the poison ivy” -- we get a very short list of rules and tips that keep us out of unnecessary conflicts, and we learn the structure “right”, utterly from the start, and there’s no guessing about the where or the what of the poison ivy.

No “guru,” "updates” or next better levels are dangled in front of you to run after; you can use it anywhere -- incense, cushions, electricity, internet, tablets, phones, yearly or monthly dues or service charges not required.


Sincerely and with Respect,
Michael Tucker
Kealakekua, Hawaii (Big Island, Hawaii)

-You can get my email for confirmation by request.-